Why QLers are fighting on this simple issue here?
paying salary is the prerogative of Employer.
I must, before venturing out to global job market, know what my real worth is? and accordingly charge to employer. (and if i dont know, what many claim here, it's stupidity..for which neither westeners nor locals are responsible).
Once I sign a contract i must follow it else leave it and settle for better if I CAN.
Why Whinning???
Why QLers are fighting on this simple issue here?
paying salary is the prerogative of Employer.
I must, before venturing out to global job market, know what my real worth is? and accordingly charge to employer. (and if i dont know, what many claim here, it's stupidity..for which neither westeners nor locals are responsible).
Once I sign a contract i must follow it else leave it and settle for better if I CAN.
Why Whinning???