suggest to take a picture of the "person" and immediately call the police.
They are not suposed to "force" their entry into nobody's home.
A visible ID badge should be in the chest of the person and
Above all a census at 10pm?? WTH? WTF?
If the person at your door is not clearly identifiable as working for the Gov in the census please do not release any personal info and call the authorities immediately. If you are in a compound raise the alarm to the neighbors and to the security maybe they can help you also.
Remember, if a "strange" situation is developing call 999 or the census info number 8000800 for help.
Last but not least there is an E-service now so that you can fill the Census form online; of course with previous registration, check it out
suggest to take a picture of the "person" and immediately call the police.
They are not suposed to "force" their entry into nobody's home.
A visible ID badge should be in the chest of the person and
Above all a census at 10pm?? WTH? WTF?
If the person at your door is not clearly identifiable as working for the Gov in the census please do not release any personal info and call the authorities immediately. If you are in a compound raise the alarm to the neighbors and to the security maybe they can help you also.
Remember, if a "strange" situation is developing call 999 or the census info number 8000800 for help.
Last but not least there is an E-service now so that you can fill the Census form online; of course with previous registration, check it out