With Mubarak's health concerns the Egyptian stockmarket has nosedived a few percent. I would think the market would react positively to a possibe replacement for Egyptian president. Mubarak is as stagnant as mosquito infested pondwater. He only talks and it is a real chore to get him to raise even one finger for Egypt. I dont know how the Egyptian people put up with such a
worthless individual for that position. He has been that way since day one. And to create an environment where there is speculation to a successor???? For a head of state? What are Egyptian leaders thinking?? Sorry but that type of thinking is for people with bricks between their ears and a complete insult to the Egyptian people.
Their needs to be peace of mind if a countrys leader is not able to govern and to leave that open to a guess is just imbisilic thinking. Yasser Arafat was the same way