There are several different factors that made lead a teenager to take his or her life, but the most common is depression. Feelings of hopelessness and anxiety, along with feelings of being trapped in a life that one can't handle, are very real contributors to teen suicide. In some cases, teenagers believe that suicide is the only way to solve their problems. The pressures of life seem too much to cope with, and some teenager look at suicide as a welcome escape.
Other factors that may contribute to teen suicide include:
Divorce of parents.
Violence in the home.
Inability to find success at school.
Feelings of worthlessness.
Rejection by friends or peers.
Substance abuse.
Death of someone close to the teenager.
The suicide of a friend or someone he or she "knows" online.
Signs that your teenager may attempt suicide
It is important to be on the look out for signs that your teen may attempt suicide. What is so difficult about some of these warning signs of teen suicide is that some of them are similar to normal adolescent behavior. The teenage years are a trying time, and sometimes normal behavior looks a lot like possibly destructive behavior. But it doesn't hurt to look into the following warning signs of teen suicide:
Talks about death and/or suicide (maybe even with a joking manner).
Plans ways to kill him or herself.
Expresses worries that nobody cares about him or her.
Has attempted suicide in the past.
Dramatic changes in personality and behavior.
Withdraws from interacting with friends and family.
Shows signs of depression.
Shows signs of a substance abuse problem.
Begins to act recklessly and engage in risk-taking behaviors.
Begins to give away sentimental possessions.
Spends time online interacting with people who glamorize suicide and maybe even form suicide pacts.
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Causes of teen suicide
There are several different factors that made lead a teenager to take his or her life, but the most common is depression. Feelings of hopelessness and anxiety, along with feelings of being trapped in a life that one can't handle, are very real contributors to teen suicide. In some cases, teenagers believe that suicide is the only way to solve their problems. The pressures of life seem too much to cope with, and some teenager look at suicide as a welcome escape.
Other factors that may contribute to teen suicide include:
Divorce of parents.
Violence in the home.
Inability to find success at school.
Feelings of worthlessness.
Rejection by friends or peers.
Substance abuse.
Death of someone close to the teenager.
The suicide of a friend or someone he or she "knows" online.
Signs that your teenager may attempt suicide
It is important to be on the look out for signs that your teen may attempt suicide. What is so difficult about some of these warning signs of teen suicide is that some of them are similar to normal adolescent behavior. The teenage years are a trying time, and sometimes normal behavior looks a lot like possibly destructive behavior. But it doesn't hurt to look into the following warning signs of teen suicide:
Talks about death and/or suicide (maybe even with a joking manner).
Plans ways to kill him or herself.
Expresses worries that nobody cares about him or her.
Has attempted suicide in the past.
Dramatic changes in personality and behavior.
Withdraws from interacting with friends and family.
Shows signs of depression.
Shows signs of a substance abuse problem.
Begins to act recklessly and engage in risk-taking behaviors.
Begins to give away sentimental possessions.
Spends time online interacting with people who glamorize suicide and maybe even form suicide pacts.
More information is in the source: