Once again, I must warn everyone: Sharks and Wolves.
It's dangerous territory. Under the milky surface of that water are man eating preditors, unrecognised as yet by scientists but thought to be akin to the Loch Ness Monster after a 6 month detox, starved of p*rk, human flesh, or the whiff of new blood. ((Or Quorn sausages and Heinz spaghetti.. hem- anyway..))

..Not only that, several stray- and long since astranged female Dukhanites have been said to have been spotted roaming in the wilderness of those hazy dunes singing a siren lament which is fabled to lure unsuspecting Dohaite males to their doom.

And don't even get me started on the wolves.

Not a good idea. Zikreet is a Menace.
