You are contradicting yourself a lot
actually you are reminding me in a previous Id has been banned before with his anger and rage and double standards

from a quick review to your comments we can see that you are not here for debating, you only have this western hidden anger towards everything arabic or muslim. which is weird!!!


regarding this topic, i didn't want to comment in it because as muslims we have no choice but to eat halal,as one of the above commented

Good to know that you can go to weikipedia and search for the word because you mentioned before that "haram is good " from this we can see that you are just have problem with the islamic teachings"EVEN IF IT IS NOT RELATED TO YOU"

- you are talking about freedom in choice which i agree ,but to be honest i am getting afraid everytime i heard nice from you people, we heard about democracy we saw dead bodies , now we are hearing about freedom of choice then tell be why

"Quick " restaurant has been punished because they were providing halal food in france "yes ...
if 75% of the popularity have no problem in eating halal food, why it is racism now??????

let me ask this question in different way,

what if this restaurant said that it will provide only pork ,or not halal food <---- don't tell me it is wrong
because no one will open a mouth then, and the same people were fighting against racism will stand up again and say noooooo it is racism against muslims huh
this is silly
75 % of popularity have no problem if it is halal or haram.
on the other hand , women in some countries are not allowed to wear the veil on her head "which is simply our teachings" don't tell me she is enforced by husband or father because u will make yourself a joke, you will find a lot of single muslim women are wearing veil anyway

so why the DOUBLE standards??????

MU2M :(
I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk