wow, apparently there are a lot more geotechnical engineers here on QL than i realised! either that or some people are just wannabe know it alls! ;)

as someone who designs foundations here in qatar here is the facts:

The Uniform Building Code (UBC - as referred to by Phoenix) classifies seismic zones from 0, with no seismic risk, to zone 4 with maximum seismic risk. In the UBC Qatar is considered to be within seismic zone 0 however the requirements of seismic zone 1 are adopted in foundation design for liquefaction assessment and structural design of high risk structures such as high rise towers, bridges etc.

in summary, the risk of poor design and un-professional construction, both of which have been discussed here on QL at length, are far greater then that posed by a seismic event.

i hope that resolves the query. ;)