I think men are selling themselves short if that's what you believe Mehnis. Right now everyone thinks women should be in that role because that's were we've always traditionally been, and I agree that more emphasis needs to be put on the family, but it doesn't always need to be the woman who stays home. There are many women who are no good at the home stuff and many men who are, and unfortunately we've been brain washed by our cultures into thinking reversing the roles is a bad thing.

And also, why should women get all the flack for the fall of the family? The way I see it, women are out there in their new rolls trying to be superwoman and the role of the man hasn't changed at all. Perhaps men should start helping out more and taking more responsibility with the family.

"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce