Study Summary/Recommendations
Although market efforts to supply certified Halal products throughout Canada has been sporadic,
this study suggests that there is potential for Alberta meat processors to supply the Muslim ethnic
market. Alberta meat processors are well positioned to meet the requirements of Muslim
communities and to becoming one of the leading suppliers of halal food products throughout the
Canada. However, in order to capitalize on this opportunity an exceptional understanding of
international Islamic religious and business protocols is essential.
Even though there are two distinct sectors within Islam, (Sunni and Shi`i), Muslim meat
consumption is based on the Quan’an, hadiths (traditions), various legal schools and cultural
distinctions. Successful market entry will depend on:
The Canadian Halal Meat Market
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• Adherence to the religious laws of Islam. It is essential to implement the principles of
halal slaughter. As the legitimacy of the label “halal” is fundamental, it is recommended
to work with a Muslim certifying body.
• Packaging, shipping and storage should be addressed. Halal products must be processed
in conditions that are free from contamination from haram (illegal) products such as
blood, blood-related products, pork or non-halal products.
• Marketing strategies aimed at the halal market will have to be transparent and encourage
trust and loyalty in their relationships and business practices.
• Establishing a supply chain relationship between Alberta meat processors and the
Canadian Muslim community could be beneficial to all parties.
Complete report is here in the link: