Dear Teacher,
Your theories are based on if's and but's and maybies...
I have been observing my child for over two years now and it was the primary teachers unnequipped to identify problems nor ready to offer help, were very quick to write in his reports the problems with concentration obstructing my son from learning and keeping up with the rest. Thus preventing him from being enrolled in a "good school.
I am not a beleiver in drugs, nor have I ever informed my son or labeled him with any such conditions.
In your post you tend to assume that parents are so unneducated and you are patronizing with your assumtions.
The forum is geared toward likeminded parents who feel as I do, who need support, help and exchange of information and experiences. I had spent long enough time in denial and was recently time to wake up and seek help...
Dear Teacher,
Your theories are based on if's and but's and maybies...
I have been observing my child for over two years now and it was the primary teachers unnequipped to identify problems nor ready to offer help, were very quick to write in his reports the problems with concentration obstructing my son from learning and keeping up with the rest. Thus preventing him from being enrolled in a "good school.
I am not a beleiver in drugs, nor have I ever informed my son or labeled him with any such conditions.
In your post you tend to assume that parents are so unneducated and you are patronizing with your assumtions.
The forum is geared toward likeminded parents who feel as I do, who need support, help and exchange of information and experiences. I had spent long enough time in denial and was recently time to wake up and seek help...