Next time a new rule will be in effect those confirmed and didn't show up have to pay Double Damages.
Thanks FS: we got your apology message.
I met new Smoke last night (post marriage) totally comitted to his other half :)......appreciate Kat (bheegi billi....we are in same boat).
We do pray for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to achieve NEW Landmarks in the fields, which bring Peace and Unity in the Region and, give us MORE opportunities to CELEBRATE!
with Speedbhai and khanan that we shall always exploit such occassions to celebrate together and show TRUE colors of Friendship, Unity and Peace.
Omarbhai...usual absentism.....saat gunah maaf...Athwa nahin ;)
Next time a new rule will be in effect those confirmed and didn't show up have to pay Double Damages.
Thanks FS: we got your apology message.
I met new Smoke last night (post marriage) totally comitted to his other half :)......appreciate Kat (bheegi billi....we are in same boat).
We do pray for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to achieve NEW Landmarks in the fields, which bring Peace and Unity in the Region and, give us MORE opportunities to CELEBRATE!