Genesis, the Hindus are not one entity. Don't bunch them please. And it's not about Hindus. It's a shame that you of all should bring religion into this matter. I had much higher opinions about you (from your posts).
It's about nationality. I as an Indian, am annoyed with the fact that a famous person like him would choose to relinquish his nationality of 95 years just because of a few foolish threats by some crazy radicals.

You have to consider this that when he was an Indian he had the full freedom of expression, which he used. The government had nothing against him. Corollary - A few Hindu fundamentalists have also their rights to express their dissatisfaction and voice their opinions against him.
Now that he has accepted Qatari citizenship, he has lost his right to "freedom of expression". He will now have to supress his artistic aptitude, and will have to paint things only which will be liked by the government.