I'm not sure I understand your post ejqatar, are you supporting a two tiered system where all nationals (regardless of their contribution, just based on nationality) get superior service and better health care as opposed to those expats who are making a significant contribution to the building and wealth of the country but without the "right" passport.

They should go to the back of the health care line? Please note, I am not saying that nationals do not make any contribution, I am saying there are lots of expats who do make contributions as well, can they not be treated well too?

I reiterate, the state's primary responsibility is to its citizens = no matter what. But not to the detriment of the health of workers who are doing the work that (a) there are insufficient nationals to do (b) that nationals do not want to do or (c) work that nationals are unqualified to do.

`Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"