NIC, I think you are unnecessary poking your nose here in Indian group discussion (as you do everywhere, as if you are champion of democracy and started "teaching" it to Indians),
First, India did not expel it as you said; he left because of anger from a section of society because that section thinks this painter (who use to print film posters earlier) offended them, Simple. he's living in Dubai peacefully and since Qatar is another champion of certain issues, conferred citizenship to him (it's only offered).
MF can anytime go back to India and live there. but as a minimum he can do is to say sorry for hurting centiments of section of society.
Art is art and should not become
NIC, I think you are unnecessary poking your nose here in Indian group discussion (as you do everywhere, as if you are champion of democracy and started "teaching" it to Indians),
First, India did not expel it as you said; he left because of anger from a section of society because that section thinks this painter (who use to print film posters earlier) offended them, Simple. he's living in Dubai peacefully and since Qatar is another champion of certain issues, conferred citizenship to him (it's only offered).
MF can anytime go back to India and live there. but as a minimum he can do is to say sorry for hurting centiments of section of society.
Art is art and should not become