Stop watching (and keep your relatives from watching) CNN or Fox Spews. Neither of which give any real news about this region.

Are there "restrictions" compared with North America/Eurpean type living styles - yes. But if you cover your knees and your elbows in public, are as respectful as you would be meeting a high level public official (as you would a complete stranger - not in a bar) until you got the lay of the land. You'll be OK.

One big piece of advice, take any info from people who work together, travel to and from work together, socialize together and live together in the same compound/apartment building together with a big grain of salt. They have little to no concept of what life in the GCC is because they don't experience it.

Sit back, look around, listen more than you speak and you will be ok.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"