look,i'm tired of telling you to stop stalking me around.you,apparently, have a problem with everything i do or say.sheesh!

as to whether i end up making a fool of myself and about self obsession,i can't really help it if being different from the rest accounts to foolishness or self obsession in your personal vocabulary.

and lastly,about your observation about my friendships,you couldn't possibly be any further from the truth.

btw,it's self obsession and not obbsession and friends and not frineds in case that's what u were referring to.if you are indeed talking about "frineds",yeah you're right.i haven't got any of those things (whatever they are)

"You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too.”
~ Amrta Shrii Shrii Anandamurti(Indian born Guru, 1921-1990)