my decisions are solely mine and i really don't care if they are accepted or not.i take full charge and full responsibility of my life.

if anybody cannot understand the reason as to why this thread was posted or if they do not have any good answers to give me,then there isn't really much i can do about it.mindsets are not something that can be changed overnight.

each individual is entitled to his or her own thoughts.a woman may bow her head in front of her husband or a man may expect his wife to do's upto them.personal a person,i bow my head only in front of God and my parents.and i see nothing wrong in that.they are my creators.

changing a surname is not a "belief" and i am entitled to make my own judgements about makes me who i individual in her own right.a woman who many men would not want their women to be talking to...lest they lose the superiority they enjoy's understandable from a male perspective.

i rebel with strong deep rooted reasons and can give answers to anybody....though i regret that i do not get the same response from the same people.can they answer all my questions?i'm afraid not.

there may be tens of thousands of people who share my first name and hence my first name is of any consequence in a fairly limited society.on a larger scale,yes,i am known by my family's where i belong.and i'm mighty proud of it.i'd attribute it to the powerful warrior blood running in my veins.honour and pride comes to us naturally.

and i hope people get used to living with disappointment when they don't get their way.

"You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too.”
~ Amrta Shrii Shrii Anandamurti(Indian born Guru, 1921-1990)