It does absolutely nothing to prevent credit card fraud. It is a silly requiremnet by only a few airlines who just don't get it.
Why can't you pay for a ticket by credit card and give that ticket to someone else?
If I buy a microwave at Carrefour and pay with credit card I am not allowed to give it to my friend unless they have a copy of my credit card??
Same happened to me with Qatar Airways - So now I just go directly to the office and pay in cash so I can book for anyone anywhere.
It does absolutely nothing to prevent credit card fraud. It is a silly requiremnet by only a few airlines who just don't get it.
Why can't you pay for a ticket by credit card and give that ticket to someone else?
If I buy a microwave at Carrefour and pay with credit card I am not allowed to give it to my friend unless they have a copy of my credit card??
Same happened to me with Qatar Airways - So now I just go directly to the office and pay in cash so I can book for anyone anywhere.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"