1. The woman gets her name even if she is married to Mr. X in Qatar so this means that question 1 is not applicable here in Qatar but from an English prespective she will be still called Mrs. X because this in the British culture shows respect to her and her husband.
2. I do not understand question 2
3. Since long time and stone ages it is know that man was the person who takes the full responsibility so it is normal and natural that his wife and sons carry his name, maybe in the future this will change because nowadays specially in USA there is a trend showing more men are baby sitting at home and not working in any job while their wives work and bring money (some of these men are graduates from universities).
5. Divorces and separation has nothing to do with surnames but divorce and separation happens when the husband make illegal affairs and have many girl friends even if he is married and also because some married women still have many boy friends, and last reason for divorce and separation which is the most important reason is the lack of respect between couples.
1. The woman gets her name even if she is married to Mr. X in Qatar so this means that question 1 is not applicable here in Qatar but from an English prespective she will be still called Mrs. X because this in the British culture shows respect to her and her husband.
2. I do not understand question 2
3. Since long time and stone ages it is know that man was the person who takes the full responsibility so it is normal and natural that his wife and sons carry his name, maybe in the future this will change because nowadays specially in USA there is a trend showing more men are baby sitting at home and not working in any job while their wives work and bring money (some of these men are graduates from universities).
5. Divorces and separation has nothing to do with surnames but divorce and separation happens when the husband make illegal affairs and have many girl friends even if he is married and also because some married women still have many boy friends, and last reason for divorce and separation which is the most important reason is the lack of respect between couples.