FS...that depends on how strong the woman is.once a man gets a feeling that a woman is emotionally weak,he WILL dominate her.it's a natural thing.an unsaid law of nature.i don't believe in any kind of domination.both have to be complete equals.

labda...i'm glad to hear that u come from a society that does accept the changing times and goes alongwith it.sadly,mine doesn't allow such variations to a great extent.mentally they are all still very dated.i can't help it.and it requires a whole lot of guts to fight against that system.and i find nothing cold in a marriage that i described.it's always better to lay down certain rules....just to avoid conflicts and quarrels.and i have a morbid fear of fights/arguments/quarrels in a marriage!i try my best to stay away completely!

Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor