does not suit me but me suit others.
Here is a question which some one asked
I have been Muslim all my life, but as of late have been studying the Baha’i faith. What can you tell me about this faith, if anything, in its relationship to Islam? What is Islam's position regarding it as a valid and holy religion?
The answere is in the link below

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Well I want to put some of their beliefs
Some Baha’i principles and beliefs:

1. Incarnation: Al-Bab claimed that Allah was personified in him. Also, he claimed himself to be god after his claim to prophethood. The same was claimed by `Abbas Afandi.

2. Inseparability of Allah from the world as claimed by some ancient philosophers.

3. Denial of the Day of Judgment. They interpret Paradise as the spiritual life, and Fire as the spiritual death.

4. Denial of the Prophets’ miracles and interpreting them as immaterial things, though they admit the possibility of prophethood. This shows the contradiction in their ideas and beliefs.

5. Claiming that they receive Divine Revelation (wahy) and writing books they claim to be better than the Glorious Qur’an.

6. The prophets were not sealed or finalized by Prophet Muhammad; the seal, to them, means the best, as claimed by the Qadyanis.

7. Going so far in interpreting the Glorious Qur’an – which they do not completely adhere to, but still use – to propagate their beliefs and “innovations”. There are many of these deviant and odd interpretations in one of their propagators’ books (Abu Al-Fadl Al-Garfadqani), entitled Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyyah.

8. There are many branches of their belief, foremost among which are the following:
a- The divine nature of the number “19” which is a Jewish concept. To them, the year consists of 19 months, the month consists of 19 days.
b- Lastly, they tried to interpret the Glorious Qur’an in the light of that “Divine” number. To them, prayer consists of 9 rak`ahs (i.e. prayer units). Their qiblah (i.e. direction of prayer) is where the Baha’ is. To them, it is a must to denounce Hajj and moreover, they should demolish the Sacred House when they are able to.

An explaination is in the link below:

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