Religion is man-made. for you to judge people because they are followers of a certain religion is totally unreasonable.
YCHikal - what do you mean they are the only religion from God? what about the others? will they be condemned to hell just because they do not follow these mentioned religion?
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..
Religion is man-made. for you to judge people because they are followers of a certain religion is totally unreasonable.
YCHikal - what do you mean they are the only religion from God? what about the others? will they be condemned to hell just because they do not follow these mentioned religion?
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..