Here you go the example from my personal experience. My hub’s business needs an accountant. I personally interviewed few of them, different nationalities. I asked each of them what is their salary expectation. I didn’t offer them anything, I just asked how much they want to be paid. Sri Lankans guys mostly were satisfied with 3500-4000 (ACCOUNTANT!!; Indians, depends on the experience were asking for 5000-8000, one british guy laughed when I mentioned salary range 8000-12000 for the accountant. Moreover, I was trying to call back this british guy, he even didn’t want to discuss anything less than 25000. At the same time sri-lankan guy kept calling me for over a week, begging to hire him for ANY salary… can someone explain to me WHY?
i love this saying:
if you're so smart then why are you so poor ?

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes