it still valid everywhere, stealth..
and it has nothing to do with skin color, whyteknight ... i mean in a way it does, but not because the employer forced ,you to accept a lower offer, but because you agreed to accept it. that is it. Another question: WHY did you accept this offer? Just because in your country you had no any job, and here you can live normal life and let all your family in your country live a normal life. I don’t think you would accept the offer it wasn’t beneficial for you. Simple as that. So blame on the government of your country which cannot provide enough jobs, or pay peanuts to the specialists.. and say "THANK you, Qatar for giving me this opportunity to make some money for myself and for my close ones, even with "on-line school" or with some forgotten village's "college" only...

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes