you made me smile. Im impressed with this relatively well thought out, or at least well executed, response. First of all, we could very well be in near perfect agreement....and yani maybe (did i just say that twice? lol)i jumped the gun a little and took ur words out of context. so i will try to help u understand me a lil better...condensed fairly liberal lifestyle is not uncommon in this culture &/or religion, however u wanna label it. im not saying its right, or good, but its not uncommon...just look at all the bars in bahrain packed on the weekends....gracious? yes....modest? no way jose....not good at it, nor do i care to be.
My apologies for attacking ur apparant lack of live and functioning brain cells....ur intelligence is no longer in question, and this response is not emotional, but rather logical.....thbtthbthbthbthbt a &%^$ hairs breadth away from letting loose my very western side and just taking what i want (excluding a job, thats gotta be begged just been tryin to be mr nice guy for too long, i think.....changin my way of living here similarly to the driving style ive adapted in many places..."if u dont drive like them...u get run over by them"......anyone for a beer? ROFLLLLLLLLLLL