Olive said ... But I can't imagine being 40 and still single. I think I probably would settle for the first guy that asked me."
By 40, most would not feel that biological clock ticking. They would know what they want for sure by then and not bother to settle for less, not to mention they can see through most of the bs. There are pros and cons to every situation in life.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Olive said ... But I can't imagine being 40 and still single. I think I probably would settle for the first guy that asked me."
By 40, most would not feel that biological clock ticking. They would know what they want for sure by then and not bother to settle for less, not to mention they can see through most of the bs. There are pros and cons to every situation in life.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.