1 bedroom whole apartment: hall/sitting area/narrow living room, full bedroom, bathroom (albeit small) and kitchen...in the back of a villa, w/ private entrance to outside, in back corner of walled in lot so i can sit outside w/ a drink and not be bothered, bbq, etc...2500qr...also im buying the furniture: matching couch and loveseat/not old/good condition, dbl bed frame and foam matress, cabinet, brand new a/c unit in bdrm, older a/c unit in kitchen, gas range, refridgerator, and a table in kitchen i think....2000qr...HA!...she said to me, "its a great place to bring your gf too!!!" hahahaha...well, i dont have one...(yet) but she's right....its not fancy...but its private, and cheaper than the room im paying for now. Within walking distance to The Mall....
1 bedroom whole apartment: hall/sitting area/narrow living room, full bedroom, bathroom (albeit small) and kitchen...in the back of a villa, w/ private entrance to outside, in back corner of walled in lot so i can sit outside w/ a drink and not be bothered, bbq, etc...2500qr...also im buying the furniture: matching couch and loveseat/not old/good condition, dbl bed frame and foam matress, cabinet, brand new a/c unit in bdrm, older a/c unit in kitchen, gas range, refridgerator, and a table in kitchen i think....2000qr...HA!...she said to me, "its a great place to bring your gf too!!!" hahahaha...well, i dont have one...(yet) but she's right....its not fancy...but its private, and cheaper than the room im paying for now. Within walking distance to The Mall....