then it shouldnt be "VS" this is not like tekken or something.
think of the way of living, the food we eat (have you smelled some filipino food that reeks while we cook it?) im sure you'll get a lot of fun quarelling with you flatmates after that.
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..
then it shouldnt be "VS" this is not like tekken or something.
think of the way of living, the food we eat (have you smelled some filipino food that reeks while we cook it?) im sure you'll get a lot of fun quarelling with you flatmates after that.
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..