What are these sadness that surrounds you?
Nic You do not like things please say it,
Olive when I say my opinion then there is no contradiction.
See some people asked me what do you think about Qatar when it comes to selling wine in hotels and bars?
I always answer him here are the mosques for those who want pray and there are the bars for those who want to drink.
If we look back in the history we will see that science and development will always grow in any condition.
Science have never been ended, and the evidence is the day to day new discoveries.
It is my responsibility to teach my children and tell the them what is good and what is bad.
Some may say I have done the impossible to let my kid be good person but now he/she is bad.
This reality parents can be good but kids are bad and grow bad, and vice versa.
We must do our part so that we do not feel we are responsible or guilty for spoiling them.
What are these sadness that surrounds you?
Nic You do not like things please say it,
Olive when I say my opinion then there is no contradiction.
See some people asked me what do you think about Qatar when it comes to selling wine in hotels and bars?
I always answer him here are the mosques for those who want pray and there are the bars for those who want to drink.
If we look back in the history we will see that science and development will always grow in any condition.
Science have never been ended, and the evidence is the day to day new discoveries.
It is my responsibility to teach my children and tell the them what is good and what is bad.
Some may say I have done the impossible to let my kid be good person but now he/she is bad.
This reality parents can be good but kids are bad and grow bad, and vice versa.
We must do our part so that we do not feel we are responsible or guilty for spoiling them.