Here we think and believe the best solution is not to bring such a movies at all.
An american movies which are good and use clean words are most welcome.
I am sure that who has an adult child would never like to bring something bad at his home right!!
If you know that illegal things or doing things improperly would lead to a disaster would you bring these things to your home?
Olive you are right when you say it is more simple not to come to the movies.
If some one tells me Khalid I went to that bar and there were ladies who nocked me out, I will tell him it is your mistake who told you to go the bar it was more simple not to go to the bar.
I am not saying all ladies who go to the bar are bad, it is a western culture, for example many good british people spend some of their time in the pubs on a regular basis.
Not all are bad when you see some one bad.
Not all are good when you see some one is good.
If you want to reflect your country in a good way then be good because each one is an embassador of his country.
For example
If X person is encouraging prostitution this does not mean that his/her country is doing the same.
But when 10 or 100 of X person are encouraging prostitution then I would say that his / her country could have the same approach but necessary true.