The issue of school fees is a vexed one and it is not made any easier by the fact that parents really have very little choice in Doha. As I have noted before, parents often cannot send their children to their first choice school: they have to send them where there is a space available.
All schools in Doha are "money hungry", in the sense that they are businesses, not charities or institutions funded by the government. Of course the teachers and the students can be affected when parents do not pay the fees on time or in full, so it is only natural that most schools are going to demand a big pile of cash in advance. If you feel that your child will get a good education, then that will be money well spent.
The issue of school fees is a vexed one and it is not made any easier by the fact that parents really have very little choice in Doha. As I have noted before, parents often cannot send their children to their first choice school: they have to send them where there is a space available.
All schools in Doha are "money hungry", in the sense that they are businesses, not charities or institutions funded by the government. Of course the teachers and the students can be affected when parents do not pay the fees on time or in full, so it is only natural that most schools are going to demand a big pile of cash in advance. If you feel that your child will get a good education, then that will be money well spent.