olive i am trying to make you understand that what this man is doing is simply his own way of protesting against what is described in the entire islamic world as a great tradegy,the wars and i believe no muslim,whether arab or non-arab would like to see their fellow muslim brothers and sisters annihilated by the occupying armies,Mr Choudary's protest would somewhat,catch the attention of the british government and the officials would decide against continuing the illegal war in afghanistan and bring the soldiers home.
olive i am trying to make you understand that what this man is doing is simply his own way of protesting against what is described in the entire islamic world as a great tradegy,the wars and i believe no muslim,whether arab or non-arab would like to see their fellow muslim brothers and sisters annihilated by the occupying armies,Mr Choudary's protest would somewhat,catch the attention of the british government and the officials would decide against continuing the illegal war in afghanistan and bring the soldiers home.