Whether it's nervousness or total obliviousness - I don't care what you drive or what gender you espouse or what nationality your passport says you have. If you're not willing to do the speed limit, get out of the fast lanes AND use your mirrors before you try to change lanes. And your turn signals are not decorations - they're there for a purpose.
Also, check your tail lights occasionally - in Canada you're ticketed/fined for driving with turn signals, brake lights and back up lights that don't function.
And get in the right lane before you're 20 yards from the signal - usually you have time beforehand, if you're a prudent and responsibile driver.
And of course, the pet peeve, "you're a wonderful driver so your children don't have to be in car seats or restrained with seatbelts" - hope that comforts you when they're dead.
Whether it's nervousness or total obliviousness - I don't care what you drive or what gender you espouse or what nationality your passport says you have. If you're not willing to do the speed limit, get out of the fast lanes AND use your mirrors before you try to change lanes. And your turn signals are not decorations - they're there for a purpose.
Also, check your tail lights occasionally - in Canada you're ticketed/fined for driving with turn signals, brake lights and back up lights that don't function.
And get in the right lane before you're 20 yards from the signal - usually you have time beforehand, if you're a prudent and responsibile driver.
And of course, the pet peeve, "you're a wonderful driver so your children don't have to be in car seats or restrained with seatbelts" - hope that comforts you when they're dead.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"