i think it is a secret gov project . yu are not allowed to go near it.
there is tunnel under it which connects it to the nearby GHQ of Qatar Armed forces. Some new type of missiles are bieng developed here with the americans.
But most probobly its a branch of Guantanamo bay prison in middle east...... I saw some masked handcuffed men in orange jumpsuit
bieng brought and led away frequently. If yu go there yu will hear guards beating prisoners . thats all there is to it.
"Nobody is Perfect - I am Nobody"
i think it is a secret gov project . yu are not allowed to go near it.
there is tunnel under it which connects it to the nearby GHQ of Qatar Armed forces. Some new type of missiles are bieng developed here with the americans.
But most probobly its a branch of Guantanamo bay prison in middle east...... I saw some masked handcuffed men in orange jumpsuit
bieng brought and led away frequently. If yu go there yu will hear guards beating prisoners . thats all there is to it.