As a Qatari guy who is standing in the que for example I would never ask a lady that I do not know a question.
It is our attitude here, but again this is different from one person to another also from a Qatari guy to another Qatari guy.
But we may ask a man in the que and discuss something with him (this is my way).
It is also your luck whether the person infront of you is willing to talk or no.
You say sharing lives experiences, well I think this should not be discussed with anyone except your soulmate or parents and if bad experience with a woman then never ever tell this to your wife.
I know some guys who like to tell us about their relations with women, and I consider these people very silly and bad and illness carriers because they may affect other peoples lives.
See it is your belief which protects you, that is to say some people think more experiences is always good, but these experience could be like a circle and you can never get out of it so better stay away from it.
If you are happily living with your wife and you consider to make a friendship with a girl, this friendship can develop and grow and after some time this girl may knock on your door and say I am pragnant and I am carrying your child and guess what may happen, you may run after her and leave your wife and children and destroy your life if it was a happy life.
Always think twice before any friendship.
As a Qatari guy who is standing in the que for example I would never ask a lady that I do not know a question.
It is our attitude here, but again this is different from one person to another also from a Qatari guy to another Qatari guy.
But we may ask a man in the que and discuss something with him (this is my way).
It is also your luck whether the person infront of you is willing to talk or no.
You say sharing lives experiences, well I think this should not be discussed with anyone except your soulmate or parents and if bad experience with a woman then never ever tell this to your wife.
I know some guys who like to tell us about their relations with women, and I consider these people very silly and bad and illness carriers because they may affect other peoples lives.
See it is your belief which protects you, that is to say some people think more experiences is always good, but these experience could be like a circle and you can never get out of it so better stay away from it.
If you are happily living with your wife and you consider to make a friendship with a girl, this friendship can develop and grow and after some time this girl may knock on your door and say I am pragnant and I am carrying your child and guess what may happen, you may run after her and leave your wife and children and destroy your life if it was a happy life.
Always think twice before any friendship.