"Of course, with over 150,000 members and 500,000 people visiting each month,... "


if i may qoute QL G/L No. 2,
"Do not create topics or posts that criticise, bully or insult other Qatar Living members, and do not flame (e.g. provoke other Qatar Living member into arguments) or impersonate other people. If you wish to make a complaint against another Qatar Living member, please use the "Report Abuse" form on the Contact page."

... users who find posting/s offensives must report it to admin. is there active reporting happening lately?

and how many Mods does QL have?

OR is the MODs proportion to current QLers traffic getting out of bounds?

if no one reports, and Mods are not enough to police the threads 24/7...

where will that leads?

i think, a never ending bashing and trashing here and there. imagine someone even opening a thread to bash this or that at a scheduled day!!

what does the Mods Say??