maurochiado...but social networking sites do not make it mandatory to post personal pics,do they?they permit it for their site to gain popularity.anyway people are always too inquisitive to know what's going on in others' lives rather than mind their own business.the other day one of my friends asked me why i'm not uploading pics of me and my hubby.i told her that this profile is entirely MINE and i don't see the significance of pasting my brand-new hubby's pics all over the place....if she'd asked me my pics,i would have emailed them to her.but NO...she wants me to 'upload' them!wth?she tells me she feels something is "not right" when ppl don't post their couple pics....duh!!!! x-(

poorman....d'you need a pillow to bite?u seem to be laughing on all the threads.or i suggest u stick to the 'Funnies' section and laugh to ur hearts' content.we're not talking anything funny here.

Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor