bleu :

1- no, i am not .. i liked your profile information so thats why i used the argument way ( your favorite way ) and i learned not to mix up any situation with my personality so, not coz am a fresh graduate, am not allowed to argue

2- my english is good enough to match the working industry but i started to feel you are using that statment as a weapon ( not good )

3- well, it depends on the advice itself and the way of giving the advice .. but thank you , i take the good advices and nothing else .. and thank you gain for wasting 30 seconds for reading my very first post, 10 seconds for writing your very first replay, 30 seconds for reading the second post, 20 seconds for thinking of a replay and 15 seconds for writing your 2nd replay .. 30+10+30+20+15 = 1 minute and 45 seconds , i really apreciate that ...

mr NDmiddle : have you ever heard of the french language teacher who never speaks french !!? the same for you regarding MANNERS issue .. YAH am an educated person , thanx for your time