that poverty and hard life is the reason behind prostitution. In my personal opinion, a prostitute can go and sell fish, or flowers on the streets to survive, than renting what is in between her legs to buy Nike shoe for her son and karaoke for her coconut house.

There were times when I lived with not even one cent in my pocket.. I managed to live though. I did not use my organ and sell myself in order to eat in Chowking for example.

In my personal opinion, nothing is forcing a prostitute to choose that kind of life other than herself.

Her p..ssy is the easiest way to survive. What a disgusting mind.... Only people who are weak and lazy with no morals would sell his body to survive.

Anyway, I still don't mind thier business. It is thier life and I have no problems with them as far as they don't touch my life. I only mind people who support them and give them reasons to proceed thier disgusting way of living.