Your fingers are not identical in one hand.
What is found to be bad in one country can be 10 times more bad in another countries, for exampl in Holland there is what is called the red street where women are exposed as goods and Marigwanah is legal there, mala to male marriage, the daughter can leave her family when she is 13 or 18 yrs old and probably come pragnant with out getting married and suffering to know who is the father, the homeless who are sleeping infron of the shops are plenty, the suicide in Sweeden is high (people killing them selves), naked people beaches in Sweeden, the aids and diseases.
I am just giving an example as Holland, but I have to admit that there are many good things in Holland such as hospitals, educations, technologies, research centres, libraries, and many other good things.
Let us pick the good things and just ignore the bad things.
Also remember no country is perfect, and it is only proportion.
Respect to Holland and Sweeden.