It is a fact that cultures differ and maybe this is the point that we all (on the universal level) need to realize and accept. Not only that, but we also need to know how to adjust ourselves to and accept one another as we are.

It is impossible that God has created the genes of a certain nation craving for love, while the other nation is created calling for odium or abhorrence.

God has created all mankind and made them all "human". None of us are angels, none are divine and none are plastic or wooden!

We all need love; Chinese, Egyptians, Americans, Arabs, Dutch, and Africans! We all crave for love, love love, and seek love. We all need to be loved and mostly, to provide different kinds of love.

Love is like motherhood, part of human nature. We can't help it!

The point is that we express it differently. Our rules and taboos in expressing are different. We need to respect this. We owe this to one another, in a world that is becoming smaller a day after the other; mutual respect and acceptance is a peaceful solution. Live and let live!