
At my age of 12, I had a very severe electic shock, all my fingers was burnt,and God was willing to extend my life, But it took months to get my fingers in shape and functional.

At my age of 17 I had a situation to get my leg amputed, but even now I walk with two legs.Later so many incidents,which I thought I was finished. I am still alive by God's Grace.

I messed with other incidents, where I was blamed, physically & mentally harassed and I stood still praying to God.

Finally,& recently, I had a baby, who was in ICU for one month hung up between earth and heavens and finally God decided to leave her to live in this earth.

When you have issues (problems - in our views & terms) be thankful to God, but we don't and we never use to.
There is something on the otherway, which is much prospective.

Perhaps God has given this time to rethink about your life, careear and plans.Perhaps you will be one among those to change the world for a good cause. Defenitely if you are back to life, you have got a mission ahead.

Talk to wiser people who could guide you.

Leave the people behind who have negative thoughts and approaches. BE POSITIVE ALWAYS AND SMILE TO YOURSELF AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.