There might be an adultery problem you are suffering from and please let me say the following:

If this man brings another woman while his wife is away, believe me his wife will bring another man when he is away, but also not all woman will do the same.
A bad woman will say if he cheat me I will cheat him and same is applicable for the man.
The illegal affair between a man and woman is called in Arabic Zenna, and there is a common expression which says:
If some one makes Zenna then another person from outside the house will make Zenna with one of his family members even if the house is protected.
Guys Zenna is the number one source for aids.
Why some one who has a beatiful honest humble wife go and look for a gf to make illegal affair while the wife is away?
For us as Muslims if we see something wrong we must advice the wife and as you know some wives will accept and some will shout, I am also sure that some chrstians will also never betrayd their wives what ever is done and will be patient.
We believe as Muslims if we had a bad wife and we adviced her and she did not listen; we have two options:
1. Be patient and receive the reward from God, this reward can be good furtune good health good friends good kids good neighbours and many other good things and the biggest reward will be in heaven.
2. Divorce and this will be fair for both parties and kids as well.
Every good couples will do the impossible to raise their children in a nice environment where ther is no fight.