PM said alqatariya, snessy was referring to this part of your post: ...

"A group of white South Africans recently killed a black lawyer because he was black. That was wrong. They should have killed him because he was a lawyer."
You are complaining about racism against Qataris but also promoting violence against people of certain professions. That doesn't make sense to some of us.
I wonder if you are as vigilant about racism in your own country.... I hope so because there is a lot of it here.

I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

Thu, 19/11/2009 - 6:10pm

<--you know that qataris are minorities, so the government have to do some actions to protect here people's right which make you think it is racist , my dear it is the same when we go to your country , actually it is worse , and i think you don't need examples or proofs,at least they don't judge on people depending on their color.
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it

But it is not a cultural ignorance
and it is not blind following ....