I can't profess to be a guru with regard to Wii, but here's what I do know.
As for voltage, looking at the transformer that comes with it, here in NA it says only 120 volts, 60 Hz. It's not multi-voltage, so you'd need a new transformer if you take your Wii from NA.

As for discs, my "understanding" is that even original non-NA discs don't work. I base this understanding on two observations:
1. on the NA discs it says "for use only in USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America."
2. In an unhacked Wii's disc reader (or DVD player) anything other than a NA game disc produces an error message. Once hacked (hardware AND software) you could play DVD movies in it too.
Since it's a DVD player, it has to be configured to work with the proper region and thus I believe it won't work with a region different from where it was purchased.