the Barwa Management. Anyway, mine is to give you guys an idea of how's life in this compound. However, to answer some of the queries;
adnan - the application for this place had long been done & I don't know if they're still accepting. Their guidelines for applicants were too strict (for expats). And you must have a family to live in this place. Bachelors were offered in their Wakra location.

heero - as for transport system, fortunately almost all families have car/s. And if you need some taxi/bus, luckily, there's a bus stop outside the gate & the church area. Sometimes there's a standby taxi outside the gate just in case some tenants needs it.

and sharkee is right, there are some few nuisant tenants (especially the teenage boys) who don't have consideration about their neighbors. So, you need to adjust yourself how to handle them somehow.