dunno,gurl....but so far i have made my own choices.though i have taken them and their interests into consideration before i did anything with my life.my education & career choices were all entirely done by me coz my parents didn't want me blaming them later on in life coz they imposed something on me....that was what my Pa was subjected to in his days.he never complained though.

my folks have put heavy restrictions on the way we were brought up coz of the excessively orthodox and conservative family set-up that we were born into.and given my nature,if they'd let me be the way i wanted to be....i'd have messed up my life beyond recognition!so though it was a bit difficult accepting their rules in the beginning,i'm glad it's made me into what i am today :-)


Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor