rheeza, I kind of disagree with your ratio. Even if you counted all construction workers, tea-boys and cleaner in Qatar, the ration still would be somewhere 75% men:25% women. If you took out all hard working poor miserable guys (I am not sarcastic, I am really sorry for them), the ration easily becomes 50:50. If you took out all men-jerks here (and again I am seriously), you will find 1 nice guy:2 nice girls ratio.
that's why olive had to date bunch of loosers before she met a nice guy.. that's why xena is still on her way to her love...
trust me, there are plenty of single nice girls in qatar, who dreams to met their "half" yet..
FranElizabeth, how are you darling? long time..:)


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes