I've had quite a bit of experience working and even living with victims of child molestation & abuse and even worse I've seen the abused become the abuser, which is why I can't condone their deaths. I know what's happened to them to become the way they are, and while I don't like and would do everything in my power to stop them from committing the act again, I feel the same way about them as I do an abused dog that bites, they've been brutalized and abused to the point that they don't know right from wrong anymore, and especially in the case of men, becoming abusers themselves is the only way they know how to react to the rage and pain they feel inside. It's an endless cycle that is not stopped by the death of the abuser, since in order for them to die they must be caught committing the act, which means it's too late to stop the cycle. We need to know how to prevent it.
I've had quite a bit of experience working and even living with victims of child molestation & abuse and even worse I've seen the abused become the abuser, which is why I can't condone their deaths. I know what's happened to them to become the way they are, and while I don't like and would do everything in my power to stop them from committing the act again, I feel the same way about them as I do an abused dog that bites, they've been brutalized and abused to the point that they don't know right from wrong anymore, and especially in the case of men, becoming abusers themselves is the only way they know how to react to the rage and pain they feel inside. It's an endless cycle that is not stopped by the death of the abuser, since in order for them to die they must be caught committing the act, which means it's too late to stop the cycle. We need to know how to prevent it.