I know this is very old issue raised again and again; just to stir and destablise India and indian muslims.......
If certain community/people of the nation, could not sing the national song due to contradiction to their religious belief, will that make them "traitor or anti nationals"; I don't think so....

The most popular song released few years back was composed and sung by AR RAHMAN .."VANDE MATARAM !!!" and been awarded as well for his superb work.
We should understand the essense of Unity and Brotherhood among all Indians rather stirring issues like opening the DOORS of BABRI MASJID.....(congress learned from the aftermath)....

I don't know whatz the point in raising the same issue, where we know the result.

Strongly suggest, to LOOK FORWARD and stop discussing and investigating History.....
If we want to achieve PEACE; otherwise we will continue REPEATING same mistakes....